hi-fi innovation



 PHI Hi-Fi Innovation is owned and managed by Jacques van Zyl. It is committed so sonic excellence by exploring and developing ideas and topologies that have either fallen by the engineering wayside or have never been conceived as viable in the first place. Examples are the so-called Voigt pipes of the 1950's, single-ended triode amplifiers using rare vintage triodes and strapped pentodes, tube line stages and phono pre-amplifiers, omni and multidirectional loudspeakers and Walsh transducers, minimalist chip-based power amplifiers, switching amplifiers, unscreened interconnects, non-oversampling DAC's and many more. As such, PHI derives inspiration from and acknowledges indebtedness to the world wide DIY community, old texts on the audio subject and the world of musical instrument building.

PHI believes that the ear is the final arbiter to sound quality and that huge sonic advantage may be obtained by attention to seemingly insignificant detail. Thus our blurb: the devil's in the details.

 Our primary focus has been the phase relationships of the frequency components, where we aim for zero phase distortion reproduction. Our products are intended for the high-end stereo market and we do not intend to expand into the multi-channel audio environment.



 Martin thinking

@ work

Our shareholder put to some use


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