hi-fi innovation


Studio Monitors


A quarterwave line array studio monitor is currently under development. This monitor uses the same drivers employed in our Cyclops but may incorporate a supertweeter for HF extension. Monitors are normally manufactured to have as neutral an output response as possible, but frequently even active crossover networks have substandard time response that could cause mixes created on these monitors to be "edgy" to compensate for the perceived time smear. We aim to reduce or largely eliminate time smear by phase aligning multiple small fullrange drivers rather than trying to optimise traditional Woofer/Tweeter arrangements. The supertweeter crossover frequency would be very high, should we decide to incorporate one, in order to move phase anomalies as far up in frequency as possible. This reduces audible phase distortion maximally.

The prototype is very fast, with or without the tweeter, with clean flat frequency response. We hope to finalise the design before year-end.



























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