hi-fi innovation


The downPHI® 46.40


The downPHI® 46.40 has just been released. It was envisioned as a pared-down version of the Cyclops 58.40, omitting the costly and hard to manufacture external filter unit and tuned for more bass output. It, quite ironically, turned out very well, in some ways upstaging the Cyclops. Among it stronger points are an extended low frequency range (-3dB at 44Hz) and a livelier character that deals well with the kind of music that appeals to a younger generation.


The loudspeakers are mounted on spiked wooden plinths that house the filter units. An active baffle step filter will be available for this model, but should amplifier power not be a problem (anything better than 10W per channel), this part of the minimal filter can also be housed in the plinth.

The original form will be manufactured from MDF in its entirety, but a real wood sandwich/veneer model will be available soon. This version will, in addition, incorporate a heavier base to bring it up to the standard to the original Cyclops in terms of finesse and neutrality.

It's truly amazing to hear the amount of clear bass that these little speakers can reproduce.




Plinth detail


The downPHI® is currently priced at R13 500.00 per pair made in solid Iroko (approximately $1300)


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