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 hi-fi innovation

"the devil's in the details"




Brendon Bussy


Bussy-Wind-Harp: Niklas Zimmer


Electroacoustic musician of note, philanthrope, artist, teacher, mandolinist. Working in Cape Town, he's probably one of the few who has made money from singing in a shower. MuZetaPhi has been fortunate enough to have some of their gadgets proposed, adopted and used in one or two of Brendon's performances. See what's up in the Fairest and drop by if you can. You might just be changed - and this is not necessarily a bad thing.





I'll let Dewald speak for himself, but perhaps I should point out that the man has "golden ears", a certain touch with valve amplifiers and vinyl, and more than a splash of the kind of integrity not easily found these days.


Mr Valve



All should know Pia and Astrid at Mr Valve by now, but for those who don't know where to find their 12AX7's an KT88's (not to mention all kinds of thermionic necessities and exotica) - this is the place. Immediate friendly service, good pricing, excellent quality. They also have a customer adverts page for those who need, or have too much.





Wilson has an excellent line-up of portable hi-fi equipment, from headphones to amplifiers for one's 'phones. As it unequivocally states on his home page: "Jaben Network in Singapore is simply one of the best places to audition and buy headphones, earphones." See for yourself. And if there's something you need to have, we'll put you in touch.


Mars Tube Audio



Karel builds great sounding valve amplifiers and loudspeakers, winds transformers and organises DIY valve amplifier workshops every so often.




James offers the fastest and most hassle-free PCB prototyping service we've ever encountered. Next-day delivery can be expected in Johannesburg and Pretoria.


VDN OTL Tube Technology



A Croatian company that produces world-class OTL (Output Transformerless) valve amplifiers that are worth more than a look.


AP Electronics




A nice, just-up-the-road electronics store that stocks just about anything electronic you can think of. AP is also the home of Toptronic measuring equipment. Do check out their daily specials - there might be something for free. Seriously.


For any information, please contact us


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